use lscache increase Google PageSpeed score
use lscache for "standard" Google Bots increase score on GSC's Page Experience
If Pagespeed score increases only if you make cache available for Google bot, there is something wrong. REALLY! There is no Google bot that measures the speed of your page. All data for speed calculation are based on data only coming from
Chrome User Experience Report. Think about it, if you enable cache for bots and if score only encreases if cache is enabled for bots, that can only mean that something must be wrong if data for speed calculation can only come from
Chrome User Experience Report.
If score decreases if you disable cache for bots that would mean you must have
illogical cache varies or the order of defined cache varies is wrong and visitors that should get cached pages get non cached pages. Everything else is illogical! Gravity can't be overcomed!
Believe me, I am working on and with LiteSpeed since many many years!