Magic curl option for fast recache and small lscache size


Well-Known Member
Hey come on! :rolleyes: This is neither magic nor special. It is just default! If you would be ready to learn and listen you would have real magic stuff. Your "magic" crawler script is a turtle!


Well-Known Member
After OpenCart brought me to the brink of despair, here comes a Quick'n & Dirty but the fastest method of how to warmup your cache not only for OpenCart. This method is only for use in CLI. I have a version for PHP, but this version is not for free. To make warmup really fast, the default way of making requests is too slow. This default method works serial. Serial means one request after the other, but curl also support parallel requests and can make request up to 10,000 and more and all at the same time. To warmup the cache we don't such a high number, because to much requests costs too much load. 3 to 5 is a good number. For your information: Lscache plugin for Wordpress also works on this way, but has a bad configuration that makes warmup slow again....

The problem with this parallel method in CLI is, that a curl version higher 7.4x is needed for it and many hostings don't have this version installed. The alternative way is to run curl from local computer. curl offers a windows version and can easily be installed. This windows version works like server version in DOS shell and uses the same commands.

To get this method work we need a list of urls in a specific format. To get this list we use sitemap.xml function in OpenCart, but this needs an extension to generate sitemaps.

How to Do:

1.) Create a directory at choice anywhere on your server. It must not be OC directory, but it must be connectable with browser.
2.) Create a blank PHP file, place it into this directory and copy the code below into this file.

header("Content-Type: text/plain");

$sitemap = '';

$content = file_get_contents($sitemap);

$xml = simplexml_load_string($content);

foreach ($xml->sitemap as $urlsElement) {

    $urls = $urlsElement->loc;
    $sitemaps = file_get_contents($urls);
    $xmls = simplexml_load_string($sitemaps);

    foreach ($xmls->url as $urlElement) {
        $url = $urlElement->loc;
        file_put_contents('sitemap.txt',  'url = ' . $url. "\n", FILE_APPEND);
3.) Run this file in browser
4.) The script above generates a formated .txt file with all URLs from "Index" sitemap.
5.) Download this file
6.) Run the curl command below where this txt file is located. I've named this file sitemap.txt

curl --parallel --parallel-immediate --parallel-max 3 --connect-timeout 5 --http1.1 -k -I -s -X GET -H "User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:101.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/101.0" -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br" --config sitemap.txt
--parallel-max 3 // 3 parallel requests; Do not set a higher number than 5 to prevent too high load!!!!
Set User Agent at your choice
Add further custom headers with "-H" in front

That's it! Enjoy

Additional information:

curl for Windows can be downloaded here:

To check curl version, run curl command in CLI:

curl -V
It must be version higher than 7.4x for parallel support. Otherwise use version for Windows.
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Well-Known Member
Why didn't you add this parameter?

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true);

question to @serpent_driver

to exclude the body from the output. Request method is then set to HEAD. Changing this to false does not change it to GET.

why you provide method HEAD, but later set to GET?
curl --parallel --parallel-immediate --parallel-max 3 --connect-timeout 5 --http1.1 -k -I -s -X GET


Well-Known Member
This is not a HEAD request. HEAD means only HTTP Header and no message body, but message body is not HTML body. That is a big difference. A only HEAD request prevents to cache a page.


Well-Known Member
Again, request method has nothing to do with "CURLOPT_NOBODY". This curl option has affect on returning message body and depending on the value for this option the ouput of the request will be returned or not. For caching a page you don't need the return and that's why it is better to set value for CURLOPT_NOBODY -> true.

If you still want answers regarding request method and curl option please read curl documentation.