Also please mind I run XCache Cacher v3.0.1 with LiteSpeed API V6.1 with out any issues.
With LiteSpeed API V6.2 I got a daemon crash every 10-12 hours.
Interesting, so I'm not alone
I disabled Cloudlinux's per account memory limits and I've just had another crash.
I'm getting desperate to find out what is causing this.
I've just disabled xcache to see if I get another crash. However disabling oopcode cache is not a long term solution. I didn't have any crashes on LSPHP 6.1 with xcache either.
My last two entries before PHP crashes are :
2013-07-10 23:07:33.620 [STDERR] Killing runaway process PID: 0 with SIGTERM
2013-07-10 23:07:33.620 [STDERR] Children tracking is wrong: PID: 733570, Cur Childen: 0, count: 7, idle: 0, dying: 4
I've already sent core dumps and log extracts, I'm going to email you the latest log extracts.
How can I turn off the feature to automaticaly check and kill run a way processes ? I'm beginngin to believe that this is what is causing the problem too?