Sorry for the delay.
Due to lack of time I installed Xcache 2.0.1 and have disabled the variable cache, hopeing that someone might debug and fix the issue without me reporting it…
I've got one last (quite big) problem.
I run Atomicorp ASL T-WAF in front of litespeed and sometimes I get an error saying from the T-WAF with the following message :
Proxy Error
The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /XXX.html.
Reason: Error reading from remote server
Apache Server at
www.XXXXXXXX.tld Port 30001
ASL seem to be saying it's an issue with litespeed but litespeed doesn't log anything when the error happens and ASL T-WAF doesn't log much either (except that Litespeed gave an invalid response).
Do you have any suggestions about how I could determine if it rearly is Litespeed giving a bad response or if it's an issue with the T-WAF.
The error message only happens about 20 times a day so it's very difficult to catch and almost impossible to determine if Litespeed is actually giving a blank page or a strange result or if it's the T-WAF that's not responding fast enough for litespeed or the other way around.
When I searched for these issues, alot of topics about Litespeed came up… with various other proxies, so it seems that litespeed could be for something in this issue.