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PECL package “uploadprogress” is an PHP extension to track progress of a file upload.
In the website, it states “It is only known to work on Apache with mod_php, other SAPI implementations unfortunately still have issues. At least PHP 5.2 is needed.”
We tested, the extension also works with Litespeed since 4.1.
test environment:
Litespeed 4.1RC2 PHP 5.3.1 + LSAPI 5.2 uploadprogress 1.0.1
Steps: PHP 5.3.1 + LSAPI 5.2 uploadprogress extension
~>wget ~>tar zxvf uploadprogress-1.0.1.tgz ~>cd uploadprogress-1.0.1 ~/uploadprogress-1.0.1>/php5install/php5/bin/phpize ~/uploadprogress-1.0.1>./configure --enable-uploadprogress --with-php-config=/php5install/php5/bin/php-config ~/uploadprogress-1.0.1>make ~/uploadprogress-1.0.1>make install
in php.ini, add
3. start to test
~/uploadprogress-1.0.1>cp -r examples /path/to/DocumentRoot
test url:
4.File Uploads Configuration Options
in PHP, refer
Name | Default | Changeable | Changelog |
file_uploads | “1” | PHP_INI_SYSTEM | PHP_INI_ALL in PHP ⇐ 4.2.3. Available since PHP 4.0.3 |
upload_tmp_dir | NULL | PHP_INI_SYSTEM | |
upload_max_filesize | “2M” | PHP_INI_PERDIR | PHP_INI_ALL in PHP ⇐ 4.2.3 |
max_file_uploads | 20 | PHP_INI_ALL | Available since PHP 5.2.1 |
post_max_size | “8M” | PHP_INI_PERDIR | PHP_INI_SYSTEM in PHP ⇐ 4.2.3. Available since PHP 4.0.3 |
in Litespeed:
Server-->Tuning-->Max Request Body Size (bytes)