As of June 30, 2006, Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions 2002 for UNIX was end-of-lifed. If you already have Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions 2002 on your server, though, you can run it with LiteSpeed Web Server. Follow the steps outlined below:

1. Run LiteSpeed's FrontPage installation script as root user:

lsws/admin/misc/ <path_to_frontpage_package>

Then restart LSWS with the root user account.

2. Enable FrontPage Server Extensions

(WebAdmin console > Virtual Hosts > Add-Ons)
The most important configuration in this virtual host setup is Domain Names. These names must match the domain name and port of the URL that you use to access your FrontPage web page.

2.1. For a single virtual host

If you enable FrontPage Server Extensions for one virtual host from the LiteSpeed WebAdmin console, LiteSpeed Web Server will try to install it in the document root of that virtual host when you restart the web server. If this is successful, you can access the FrontPage admin page of that virtual host from: The default login username is “admin” and password is “fp123456”. You should change the password immediately after the extension is enabled.

If you ever change the Domain Names setting, you will need to reinstall FrontPage. To do this, all you need to do is remove all “_vti_…” files under the document root of that virtual host, then restart the web server.

2.2. For all virtual hosts

If you want to setup a FrontPage admin page for all virtual hosts, run the following command in the command line as root user:

/usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/bin/owsadm.exe -o setadminport -p <PORT> -s <path_to_/lsws/add-ons/frontage/conf/httpd.conf> -username <USERNAME> -pw <PASSWORD>

Then add a virtual host in the WebAdmin console (under the Virtual Hosts tab) pointing to /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/admin-exes/. You can manage FrontPage Server Extensions for all virtual hosts from this virtual host.

  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2015/07/30 19:29
  • by Michael Alegre