Special Rewrite Rule Directives
LiteSpeed Web Server understands several special directives that can be added to rewrite rules.
If you are using LiteSpeed in an Apache environment, please make sure the following directive(s) are included in this format:
<IfModule litespeed> LiteSpeed directives here </IfModule>
This ensures that the directives won't be processed by Apache if you switch to it.
Don't log
Once set, this directive skips access logging. The value does not matter. For example:
RewriteRule \.gif - [E=dontlog:1]
No Keepalive
Closes the client's connection after finishing the current request. The value does not matter. For example:
RewriteRule .* - [E=nokeepalive:1]
No Gzip
Do not use gzip compression for this request. Must be set to a non-zero value. For example:
RewriteRule \.css - [E=no-gzip:1]
Do not set to 0
. It has no effect.
Proxy Host
Modify proxy request “Host” header value. For example:
A web site's domain name is “www.example.com.” It sends a proxy request to the backend, which is defined as a web server with name “node1.” It requires the domain name to be “www.example.com,” so the rewrite rule should be
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://node1/$1 [P,E=Proxy-Host:www.example.com]
Cache Control
Modify LSWS page cache policy or enable cache. For example:
Rewriterule ^/special_cachable_url$ - [E=Cache-ctrl:max-ages=30]
Rewriterule ^/non-cacheable-url$ - [E=Cache-control:no-cache]
No Abort
This flag prevents external app processes from being killed by LSWS as a runaway process while it is in the middle of processing. This is useful when executing long-running PHP applications.
RewriteRule ^script_url$ - [E=noabort:1]
No Connection Timeout
Keeps the connection between server and client from timing out.
RewriteRule ^script_url$ - [E=noconntimeout:1]
Block Bot
This drops connection, and is useful when set up against DDoS attack. Learn more. For example:
RewriteRule .* - [E=blockbot:1]