Increment a numerical key’s value by the given number if the key/value pair exists.


incr <key> <value> [noreply]


  • key - The name of the unique key by which data is accessed.
  • value - The data that needs to be stored. This parameter needs to be given on the new line after executing the command with the above options.


incr mykey 4


output notes:

  • 4 → Add 4 to the value of “mykey”
  • In this example, if “mykey” had a value of “1”, after running incr, its value would be “5”.

possible errors:

  • NOT_FOUND - Indicates that the provided key does not exist in the LSMCD server.
  • CLIENT_ERROR - Indicates that the value associated with the provided key is not numerical.
  • ERROR - Indicates any other error such as a syntax error.
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2016/04/07 18:37
  • by Rob Holda