LiteSpeed Load Balancer can be controlled in three ways: through the WebAdmin Console, from the command line, or by sending signals.
1. Through the WebAdmin Console.
Log in to the web administration console and hover over Actions in the top menu. The drop menu contains shortcuts to common tasks. Clicking on
Actions will take you to a dedicate control panel page.
- Gracefully restart the server
- View log
- Real-time monitoring
- Reload virtual hosts
- Enable/Disable virtual hosts
- Version management.
Clicking on one of the shortcuts or the corresponding link on the dedicated control panel page can perform the following tasks:
To change the username and password combination for the load balancer's WebAdmin Console, run following command from shell:
[your install dir]/admin/misc/
2. From the command line.
Assuming the load balancer is installed in /opt/lslb.
Use the lslbctrl control script in the /opt/lslb/bin/ directory.
To start the load balancer:
/opt/lslb/bin/lslbctrl start
To stop the load balancer:
/opt/lslb/bin/lslbctrl stop
To gracefully restart the load balancer:
/opt/lslb/bin/lslbctrl restart
3. By sending signals.
You can stop the load balancer process by sending it signals.
Firstly, you need to know the load balancer's process id, either through the "" file or using the "ps" terminal command.
Through the "" file:
more /tmp/lslbd/
Using the "ps" command:
FreeBSD: ps -x | grep lslbd
Others: ps -ef | grep lslbd
If multiple processes are listed, use the process whose PPID is equal to 1.
To stop the load balancer, use the following terminal command:
kill XXXX
(where XXXX is the pid)
If the load balancer did not stop, use:
kill -9 XXXX