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Virtual Host General

Table of Contents


Max Keep-Alive Requests | Enable Compression | Enable GeoLocation Lookup

Virtual Host Log

Use Server's Log | File Name | Log Level | Rolling Size (bytes) | Keep Days | Compress Archive

Access Log

Log Control | File Name | Piped Logger | Log Format | Log Headers | Rolling Size (bytes) | Keep Days | Compress Archive | Bytes Log

Customized Error Pages

Error Code | Custom Error Message

Max Keep-Alive Requests


Specifies the maximum requests that can be served through a keep-alive (persistent) connection. Connections will be closed once this limit is reached. You can specify a different limit for each virtual hosts. This number cannot exceed the server-level Max Keep-Alive Requests limit.


Integer number


Set to a reasonably high value. A value of "1" or less will disable keep-alive connections.

See Also

Max Keep-Alive Requests

Enable Compression


Specifies whether to enable GZIP/Brotli compression for this virtual host. This setting is only effective when compression is enabled at the server level. Compression settings are configured at the server level (Tuning > GZIP/Brotli Compression).


Select from radio box

See Also

Enable Compression, Brotli Compression Level

Enable GeoLocation Lookup


Specifies whether to enable/disable IP Geolocation lookup. Can be set at server, virtual host, or context level. IP Geolocation is disabled by default when using value "Not Set".


Select from radio box

See Also

Use Client IP in Header, DB File Path,

Use Server's Log


Specifies whether to put log messages from this virtual host into the server log file instead of creating its own log file.


Select from radio box

File Name


Specifies the path for the log file.


Filename which can be an absolute path or a relative path to $SERVER_ROOT, $VH_ROOT.


Place the log file on a separate disk.

Log Level


Specifies the level of logging. Available levels (from high to low) are ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, and DEBUG. Only messages with a level higher than or equal to the current setting will be logged. If you want to set it to DEBUG, you must set the server log level to DEBUG as well. The level of debugging is controlled solely at the server level by Debug Level.


Select from drop down list


Unless Debug Level is set to a level other than NONE, DEBUG log level does not have any performance impact and is recommended.

See Also

Debug Level

Rolling Size (bytes)


Specifies when the current log file needs to be rolled over, also known as log rotation. When the file size is over the rollover limit, the active log file will be renamed to log_name.mm_dd_yyyy(.sequence) in the same directory and a new active log file will be created. The actual size of the rotated log file once it is created will sometimes be a little bigger than this size limit. Set to 0 to disable log rotation.


Integer number


Append "K", "M", "G" to the number for kilo-, mega- and giga- bytes.

Keep Days


Specifies how many days the access log file will be kept on disk. Only rotated log files older than the specified number of days will be deleted. The current log file will not be touched regardless how many days worth of data it contains. If you do not want to auto-delete stale and very old log files, set this to 0.


Integer number

Compress Archive


Specifies whether to compress rotated log files in order to save disk space.


Select from radio box


Log files are highly compressible and this is recommended to reduce disk usage for old logs.

Log Control


Where the access log should be written. There are three options:

  1. Write to the server's access log
  2. Create an access log for this virtual host
  3. Disable access logging


Select from drop down list

File Name


The access log filename.


Filename which can be an absolute path or a relative path to $SERVER_ROOT, $VH_ROOT.


Put the access log file on a separate disk.

Piped Logger


Specifies an external application that will receive the access log data sent by LiteSpeed through a pipe on its STDIN stream (file handle 0). When specified, the access log will be sent to the logger application instead of the access log file specified in previous entry.

LiteSpeed load balancer performs simple load balancing among multiple logger applications if more than one instance of a logger application is configured. LiteSpeed Web Server always attempts to keep the number of logger processes as low as possible. Only when one logger application fails to process access log entries in time will the server attempt to spawn another logger application instance.

If a logger process crashes, the server will start another instance but the log data in the stream buffer will be lost. It is possible to lose log data if external loggers cannot keep up with the speed and volume of the log stream.
File path to the logger application should be given here, and optionally, the number of application instances can be set before the file path, followed by '|'.




tells the server to start up to 4 logger processes.

tells the server to start only one logger process.

Log Format


Specifies the log format for the access log. When log format is set, it will override the Log Headers setting.


String. The syntax of log format is compatible with Apache 2.0's custom log format.


Common Log Format (CLF)
"%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b"

Common Log Format with Virtual Host
"%v %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b"

NCSA extended/combined log format
"%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\"

Log cookie value of Foobar

See Also

Log Headers

Log Headers


Specifies whether to log HTTP request headers: Referer, UserAgent, and Host.


Select from checkbox


Turn this off if you do not need these headers in the access log.

See Also

Log Format

Bytes Log


Specifies the path to the bandwidth bytes log file. When specified, a cPanel compatible bandwidth log will be created. This will log the total bytes transferred for a request including both the request and reply bodies.


Filename which can be an absolute path or a relative path to $SERVER_ROOT.


Put the log file on a separate disk.

Customized Error Pages


Whenever the server has a problem processing a request, the server will return an error code and an html page as an error message to the web client. Error codes are defined in the HTTP protocol (see RFC 2616). LiteSpeed Web Server has a built-in default error page for each error code, but a customized page can be configured for each error code as well. These error pages can be even further customized to be unique for each virtual host.

Error Code


Specifies the HTTP status code for the error page. Only the selected HTTP status code will have this customized error page.


Select from drop down list

Custom Error Message


Specify a custom error message.