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Server Tuning

Table of Contents


RAM Disk Path | Default SHM Directory | Bind IPv6 Only | Reverse DNS Lookup | Verify Google Bot | Secure Cookie Control | PROXY protocol


Max Connections | Max SSL Connections | Connection Timeout (secs) | Max Keep-Alive Requests | Keep-Alive Timeout (secs) | Send Buffer Size (bytes) | Receive Buffer Size (bytes)


Max Request URL Length (bytes) | Max Request Header Size (bytes) | Max Request Body Size (bytes) | Max Dynamic Response Header Size (bytes) | Max Dynamic Response Body Size (bytes)

Static File Delivery Optimization

Max Cached Small File Size (bytes) | Total Small File Cache Size (bytes) | Max MMAP File Size (bytes) | Total MMAP Cache Size (bytes) | Use sendfile() | Use AIO | AIO Block Size | File ETag

GZIP/Brotli Compression

Enable Compression | Compressible Types | Enable GZIP Dynamic Compression | GZIP Compression Level (Dynamic Content) | Brotli Compression Level (Dynamic Content) | Auto Update Static File | GZIP Compression Level (Static File) | Brotli Compression Level (Static File) | Static Cache Directory | Max Static File Size (bytes) | Min Static File Size (bytes)

SSL Global Settings

Default Cipher Suite | SSL Strong DH Key | Enable Multiple SSL Certificates | Enable Certificate Compression | Enable Handshake Offload | Enable Session Cache | Session Cache Size (bytes) | Session Cache Timeout (secs) | Enable Session Tickets | SSL Session Ticket Lifetime (secs) | SSL Session Ticket Key File | OCSP Proxy | Strict SNI Certificate


Enable HTTP3/QUIC | QUIC SHM Directory | HTTP3/QUIC Versions | Congestion Control | Connection Flow Control Window | Max Connection Flow Control Window | Stream Flow Control Window | Max Stream Flow Control Window | Max Concurrent Streams Per Connection | Handshake Timeout | Idle Timeout | Enable DPLPMTUD | PLPMTU Base Value | PLPMTU Max Value

RAM Disk Path


Setting the RAM Disk Path allows you to designate the location of a RAM disk. A RAM disk is a world-writable directory stored in memory. A server with excess RAM can reduce disk I/O by serving content from this RAM disk. Accessing content from RAM is much faster than reading data from the disk. LSWS will use this RAM disk to optimize performance when there is enough memory available.

(The RAM disk must be designated in your OS setup before it can be used by the web server. Many Linux distributions assign /dev/shm as a RAM disk by default, but these settings depend on your OS.)



Default SHM Directory


Changes shared memory's default directory to the specified path. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. All SHM data will be stored in this directory unless otherwise specified.



Bind IPv6 Only


Only bind IPv6 for IPv6 wildcard IP addresses. When set to "Yes", IPv4 IP addresses will not be bound and will need their own listeners.

Default value: Yes


Select from radio box

Reverse DNS Lookup


Perform an IP -> Domain Name lookup for each client. This can be used in access logging.

Default value: No


Select from radio box

Verify Google Bot


Perform a PTR lookup to ensure that the reverse DNS of an IP matches Google's crawler information and bypass reCAPTCHA verification if so. Bad Google bot IPs are logged.

Default value: No


Select from radio box

Secure Cookie Control


Control whether to send cookies with the flag "secure", attribute "SameSite=Strict", and attribute "SameSite=Lax".

If both "SameSite=Strict" and "SameSite=Lax" are selected, "SameSite=Strict" will be used.

Default value: "secure"


Select from checkbox

PROXY protocol


List of IPs/subnets for front-end proxies that communicate with this server using PROXY protocol. Once set, the server will use PROXY protocol for incoming connections from listed IPs/subnets or fall back to a regular connection if PROXY protocol is unavailable.

Applies to HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP2, and websocket connections.


Comma delimited list of IP addresses or sub-networks.

Max Connections


Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections that the server can accept. This includes both plain TCP connections and SSL connections. This setting should not be set to exceed the hard limit set by the server software edition or license: 500 for VPS license, 800 for Ultra VPS license. Once the maximum concurrent connections limit is reached, the server will close Keep-Alive connections when they complete active requests.


Integer number


When the server is started by "root" user, the server will try to adjust the per-process file descriptor limits automatically, however, if this fails, you may need to increase this limit manually.

Max SSL Connections


Specifies the maximum number of concurrent SSL connections the server will accept. Since total concurrent SSL and non-SSL connections cannot exceed the limit specified by Max Connections, the actual number of concurrent SSL connections allowed must be lower than this limit.


Integer number

Connection Timeout (secs)


Specifies the maximum connection idle time allowed during processing one request. The connection will be closed if it has been idle, i.e. no I/O activity, for this period of time.


Integer number


Set this as low as you can to help recover dead connections during a potential DoS attack.

See Also

Keep-Alive Timeout (secs)

Max Keep-Alive Requests


Specifies the maximum number of requests that can be served through a keep-alive (persistent) session. The connection will be closed once this limit is reached. You can set this limit for each virtual host as well.


Integer number


Set this to a reasonably high value. A value of "1" or "0" will disable keep-alive.

See Also

Virtual Host Max Keep-Alive Requests

Keep-Alive Timeout (secs)


Specifies the maximum idle time between requests from a keep-alive connection. If no new request is received during this period of time, the connection will be closed. This setting only applies to HTTP/1.1 connections. HTTP/2 connections have long keep-alive timeouts by design and are not affected by this setting.


Integer number


We recommend that you set this value just long enough to wait for subsequent requests from a client when there are more assets referenced by a single page that need to be loaded. Do not set this too long hoping that the next page will be served over the keep-alive connection. Keeping many idle keep-alive connections is a waste of server resources and could be taken advantage of by (D)DoS attacks. 2-5 seconds is a reasonable range for most applications. LiteSpeed is highly efficient in a non-keep-alive environment.

Send Buffer Size (bytes)


The sending buffer size of each TCP socket. 512K is the maximum allowed buffer size.


Integer number


It is recommended to leave this value as "Not Set" or set to 0 to use the operating system's default buffer size.
If your web site serves large static files, increase the send buffer size to improve performance.
Setting this to a lower value will reduce throughput and memory usage per socket allowing the server to have more concurrent sockets when memory is a bottleneck.

Receive Buffer Size (bytes)


The receiving buffer size of each TCP socket. 512K is the maximum allowed buffer size.


Integer number


It is recommended to leave this value as "Not Set" or set to 0 to use the operating system's default buffer size.
A large receive buffer will increase performance when processing incoming requests with large payloads, i.e. file uploads.
Setting this to a lower value will reduce throughput and memory usage per socket allowing the server to have more concurrent sockets when memory is a bottleneck.

Max Request URL Length (bytes)


Specifies the maximum size of a request URL. URL is the full text address used to access a server resource including the query string. Hard limit is 65530 bytes. Values larger than this, such as 64K (6 bytes larger), will be treated as if 65530 was used.

Default value: 8192 or 8K.


Integer number


Set it reasonably low to reduce memory usage and help identify bogus requests and DoS attacks.
2-3K is big enough for most web sites unless the HTTP GET method is used with large query strings instead of POST.

Max Request Header Size (bytes)


Specifies the maximum size of an HTTP request header including request URL. Hard limit is 65530 bytes. Values larger than this, such as 64K (6 bytes larger), will be treated as if 65530 was used.

Default value: 32768 or 32K


Integer number


Set it reasonably low to reduce memory usage and help identify bogus requests and DoS attacks.
4-8K is big enough for most web sites under normal circumstances.

Max Request Body Size (bytes)


Specifies the maximum size of an HTTP request body. For a 32Bit OS, 2GB is the hard limit. For a 64Bit OS, it is virtually unlimited.


Integer number


To help prevent DoS attacks, try to constrain this limit to only what is really needed. Your swapping space must have enough free space to accommodate this limit.

Max Dynamic Response Header Size (bytes)


Specifies the maximum header size of a dynamically generated response. Hard limit is 65530 bytes. Values larger than this, such as 64K (6 bytes larger), will be treated as if 65530 was used.

Default value: 32768 or 32K


Integer number


Set it reasonably low to help recognize bad responses dynamically generated by external applications.

Max Dynamic Response Body Size (bytes)


Specifies the maximum body size of a dynamically generated response.


Integer number


Set the limit reasonably low to help identify bad responses. It is not uncommon to malformed scripts to contain an infinite loop which leads to infinity-sized responses.

Max Cached Small File Size (bytes)


Specifies the largest static file that will be cached in a pre-allocated memory buffer. Static files can be served in four different ways: memory buffer cache, memory-mapped cache, plain read/write, and sendfile(). Files whose size is smaller than this setting are served from memory buffer cache. Files whose size is larger than this setting, but smaller than the Max MMAP File Size (bytes) will be served from memory-mapped cache. Files whose size is larger than the Max MMAP File Size (bytes) will be served via plain read/write or sendfile(). It is optimal to serve static files smaller than 4K from the memory buffer cache.


Integer number

Total Small File Cache Size (bytes)


Specifies the total memory that can be allocated to the buffer cache in order to cache/serve small static files.


Integer number

Max MMAP File Size (bytes)


Specifies the largest static file that will be memory mapped (MMAP). Static files can be served in four different ways: memory buffer cache, memory-mapped cache, plain read/write, and sendfile(). Files whose size is smaller than the Max Cached Small File Size (bytes) are served from memory buffer cache. Files whose size is larger than the Max Cached Small File Size (bytes), but smaller than the Max MMAP File Size will be served from memory-mapped cache. Files whose size is larger than the Max MMAP File Size will be served via plain read/write or sendfile(). Since the server has a 32bit address space (2GB), it is not recommended to memory map very large files.


Integer number

Total MMAP Cache Size (bytes)


Specifies the total memory that can be allocated for memory- mapped cache in order to cache/serve medium sized static files.


Integer number

Use sendfile()


Specifies whether to use the sendfile() system call to serve static files. Static files can be served in four different ways: memory buffer cache, memory-mapped cache, plain read/write, and sendfile(). Files smaller than the Max Cached Small File Size (bytes) are served from memory buffer cache. Files larger than the Max Cached Small File Size (bytes) but smaller than the Max MMAP File Size (bytes) will be served from memory-mapped cache. Files larger than the Max MMAP File Size (bytes) will be served via plain read/write or sendfile(). Sendfile() is a "zero copy" system call that can greatly reduce CPU utilization when serving very large static files. Sendfile() requires an optimized network card kernel driver and thus may not be suitable for some small-vendor network adapters.


Select from radio box



Specifies whether to use AIO to serve static files. AIO will help if your server has a high I/O wait. For 64bit operation system, there is an option to keep files mapped in process address space to improve AIO performance.


Select from drop down list

See Also

AIO Block Size

AIO Block Size


Specifies the sent block size for AIO. This block size multiplied by the total files being processed should be less than the physical memory of the server, otherwise, AIO will not help. If your server has enough memory, you can choose a bigger size.

Default value: 1M


Select from drop down list

See Also


File ETag


Specifies whether to use a file's inode, last-modified time, and size attributes to generate the ETag HTTP response header for static files. All three attributes are enabled by default. If you plan to serve the same file out of mirrored servers, you should not include inode; otherwise, the ETag generated for one file will be different on different servers.


Select from checkbox

Enable Compression


Enables GZIP/Brotli compression for both static and dynamic responses.

Default value: Yes


Select from radio box


Enable it to save network bandwidth. Text-based responses such as html, css, and javascript files benefit the most and on average can be compressed to half of their original size.

Compressible Types


Specifies what MIME types are allowed to be compressed. Leave this setting unset or enter default to use the server built-in default list which should already cover most mime-types.

Default value: text/*,application/x-javascript,application/javascript,application/xml,image/svg+xml,application/rss+xml, application/json,application/,application/x-font,application/x-font-opentype, application/x-font-truetype,application/x-font-ttf,font/eot,font/opentype,font/otf,font/ttf,image/x-icon, image/,application/xhtml+xml


MIME type list separated by commas. Wild card "*" and negate sign "!" are allowed, such as text/*, !text/js.


If you want to compress text/* but not text/css, you can have a rule like text/*, !text/css. "!" will exclude that MIME type.


Only allow types that will benefit from GZIP/Brotli compression. Binary files such as gif/png/jpeg images and flash files do not benefit from compression.

Enable GZIP Dynamic Compression


Controls GZIP compression for dynamically generated responses.

For this setting to have an effect, Enable Compression must be set to Yes.

Default value: Yes


Select from radio box


Compressing dynamic responses increases CPU and memory utilization but saves network bandwidth.

GZIP Compression Level (Dynamic Content)


Specifies the level of GZIP compression applied to dynamic content. Ranges from 1 (lowest) to 9 (highest).

This setting will only take effect when Enable Compression and Enable GZIP Dynamic Compression are enabled.

Default value: 6


Number between 1 and 9.


Higher compression level will use more memory and CPU cycles. You can set it to a higher level if your machine has additional power. There is not much difference between 6 and 9, except that 9 uses many more CPU cycles.

Brotli Compression Level (Dynamic Content)


Controls the level of Brotli compression applied to dynamic responses. Ranges from 0 (OFF) to 6 (highest).

This setting will only take effect when Enable Compression is enabled.

Default value: 2


Number between 0 and 6.

Auto Update Static File


Specifies whether to let the server automatically create/update GZIP/Brotli-compressed versions of compressible static files or not. If set to Yes, when a file with a MIME type listed in Compressible Types is requested, the server may create or update the corresponding compressed version of the file depending on the compressed file's timestamp. This compressed file is created under the Static Cache Directory. The filename is based on a MD5 hash of the path of the original file.

Default value: Yes


Select from radio box

GZIP Compression Level (Static File)


Specifies the level of GZIP compression applied to static files. Ranges from 1 (lowest) to 9 (highest).

This setting will only take effect when Enable Compression and Auto Update Static File are enabled.

Default value: 6


Number between 1 and 9.

Brotli Compression Level (Static File)


Specifies the level of Brotli compression applied to static files. Ranges from 1 (lowest) to 11 (highest).

This setting will only take effect when Enable Compression and Auto Update Static File are enabled.

Default value: 5


Number between 1 and 11.


Save network bandwidth. Text-based responses such as html, css, and javascript files benefit the most and on average can be compressed to half of their original size.

Static Cache Directory


Specifies the path of the directory used to store compressed files for static content.

Default value: Swapping Directory.


Directory Path

Max Static File Size (bytes)


Specifies the maximum size of a static file for which the server will create a compressed file automatically.

Default value: 10M


Number in bytes not less than 1K.


It is not recommended to have the server create/update compressed files for large files. Compressing blocks an entire server process and no further requests can be processed until the compression is completed.

Min Static File Size (bytes)


Specifies the minimum size of a static file for which the server will create a corresponding compressed file.

Default value: 200


Number in bytes not less than 200.


It is not necessary to compress very small files as the bandwidth saving is negligible.

Default Cipher Suite


Default cipher suite for SSL certificates.

Default value: Server Internal Default (Based on current best practices)


Colon-separated string of cipher specifications.

SSL Strong DH Key


Specifies whether to use 2048 or 1024 bit DH keys for SSL handshakes. If set to "Yes", 2048 bit DH keys will be used for 2048 bit SSL keys and certificates. 1024 bit DH keys will still be used in other situations. Default is "Yes".

Earlier versions of Java do not support DH key size higher than 1024 bits. If Java client compatibility is required, this should be set to "No".



Enable Multiple SSL Certificates


Allows listeners/vhosts to set multiple SSL certificates. If multiple certificates are enabled, the certificates/keys are expected to follow a naming scheme. If the cert is named server.crt, other possible cert names are server.crt.rsa, server.crt.dsa, server.crt.ecc. If "Not Set", defaults to "No".


Select from radio box

Enable Certificate Compression


Use SSL certificate compression.

Default value: On


Select from radio box

Enable Handshake Offload


Offload SSL handshake to a separate thread.

Default value: On


Select from radio box

Enable Session Cache


Enables session id caching using OpenSSL's default setting. Default value is "No".


Select from radio box

Session Cache Size (bytes)


Sets the maximum number of SSL session IDs to store in the cache. Default is 1,000,000.


Integer number

Session Cache Timeout (secs)


This value determines how long a session ID will be valid within the cache before renegotiation is required. Default is 3,600.


Integer number

Enable Session Tickets


Enables session tickets using OpenSSL's default session ticket setting. Server-level setting must be set to "Yes" for Virtual Host setting to take effect.

Default values:
Server-level: Yes
VH-Level: Yes


Select from radio box

SSL Session Ticket Lifetime (secs)


This value determines how long a session ticket will be valid before a renegotiation is required. Default is 3,600.


Integer number

SSL Session Ticket Key File


Allows the SSL Ticket Key to be created/maintained by an administrator. The file must be 48 bytes long. If this option is left empty, the load balancer will generate and rotate its own set of keys.

IMPORTANT: To maintain forward secrecy, it is strongly recommended to change the key every SSL Session Ticket Lifetime seconds. If this cannot be done, it is recommended to leave this field empty.



OCSP Proxy


Socket address used as the proxy server address for OCSP verification. Leave this setting unset If not using a proxy.

Default value: not set


Socket Address

Strict SNI Certificate


Specifies whether to strictly require a dedicated virtual host certificate configuration. When enabled, SSL connections to virtual hosts without a dedicated certificate configuration will fail instead of using a default catch-all certificate.

Default value: No


Select from radio box



Enables the HTTP3/QUIC network protocol server wide. Default value is Yes.


Select from radio box


When this setting is set to Yes, HTTP3/QUIC can still be disabled at the listener level through the Open HTTP3/QUIC (UDP) port setting, or at the virtual host level through the Enable HTTP3/QUIC setting.

QUIC SHM Directory


Specifies the directory used to save QUIC data to shared memory.

By default, the server's default SHM directory, /dev/shm, will be used.




A RAM based partition, such as /dev/shm, is recommended.

HTTP3/QUIC Versions


A list of enabled HTTP3/QUIC versions. This setting should only be used to limit HTTP3/QUIC support to the versions listed and is best left blank.


Comma-separated list


h3-29, h3-Q050


It is recommended to leave this setting blank to have the the best configuration applied automatically.

Congestion Control


The congestion control algorithm used. This can be set manually or left up to the QUIC library in use by selecting the "Default" option.

Default value: Default


Select from drop down list

Connection Flow Control Window


The initial size of the buffer allocated for a QUIC connection. Default value is 1.5M.


Number between 64K and 512M


A larger window size will use more memory.

Max Connection Flow Control Window


Specifies the maximum size that a connection flow control window buffer is allowed to reach due to window auto-tuning.

Default value is 0, which means that the value of Connection Flow Control Window is used and no auto-tuning is performed.


0 or a number between 64K and 512M


A larger window size will use more memory.

Stream Flow Control Window


The initial amount of data a QUIC connection is willing to receive per stream. Default value is 1M.


Number between 64K and 128M


A larger window size will use more memory.

Max Stream Flow Control Window


Specifies the maximum size that a stream flow control window is allowed to reach due to window auto-tuning.

Default value is 0, which means that the value of Stream Flow Control Window is used and no auto-tuning is performed.


0 or a number between 64K and 128M


A larger window size will use more memory.

Max Concurrent Streams Per Connection


The maximum number of concurrent streams allowed per QUIC connection. Default value is 100.


Integer number between 10 and 1000

Handshake Timeout


The time in seconds a new QUIC connection is given to complete its handshake, after which the connection is aborted. Default value is 10.


Integer number between 1 and 15

Idle Timeout


The time in seconds after which an idle QUIC connection will be closed. Default value is 30.


Integer number between 10 and 30



Enable Datagram Packetization Layer Path Maximum Transmission Unit Discovery (DPLPMTUD).

Background on DPLPMTUD (RFC 8899)

Default value: Yes


Select from radio box

PLPMTU Base Value


The maximum value of PLPMTU (maximum packet size without headers) in bytes that QUIC will use by default. Setting this to 0 will allow QUIC to pick the size.

This setting should be set lower than PLPMTU Max Value.

Default value: 0


0 or integer number between 1200 and 65527

PLPMTU Max Value


The PLPMTU (maximum packet size without headers) probe upper limit in bytes. This setting is used to limit the "maximum packet size" in the DPLPMTUD search space. Setting this to 0 will allow QUIC to pick the size (By default LSQUIC assumes that MTU is 1,500 bytes (Ethernet)).

This setting should be set higher than PLPMTU Base Value.
Default value: 0


0 or integer number between 1200 and 65527