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Virtual Host List

This page lists all defined virtual hosts. From here you can add/delete a virtual host or make changes to an existing one.

Table of Contents

Virtual Host

Virtual Host Name | Default Cluster | Config File | Requests/Second | Outbound Bandwidth (bytes/sec) | Inbound Bandwidth (bytes/sec)

Virtual Host Name


A unique name for a virtual host. It is recommended to use the virtual host's domain name as the Virtual Host Name. Virtual Host Name can be referred to using the variable $VH_NAME.

Default Cluster


Specifies the default cluster used for handling requests to this vhost.


Select from drop down list

Config File


The configuration filename and directory for this virtual host.


Filename which can be an absolute path or a relative path to $SERVER_ROOT, $VH_ROOT.


$SERVER_ROOT/conf/vhosts/$VH_NAME.xml is recommended for easy management.



Specifies the maximum number of requests for dynamically generated content coming from a single IP address that can be processed in each second, regardless of the number of connections established. When this limit is reached, all future requests for dynamic content are tar-pitted until the next second. The per client request limit can be set at the server or virtual host level where virtual host level settings override server level settings.


Integer number


Trusted IPs or sub-networks are not effected

Outbound Bandwidth (bytes/sec)


The maximum allowed outgoing throughput to a single IP address, regardless of the number of connections established. The real bandwidth may end up being slightly higher than this setting for efficiency reasons. Bandwidth is allocated in 4KB units. Set to 0 to disable throttling. Per-client bandwidth limits (bytes/sec) can be set at the server or virtual host level where virtual host level settings override server level settings.


Integer number


Set the bandwidth in 8KB units for better performance.

Trusted IPs or sub-networks are not affected.

See Also

Inbound Bandwidth (bytes/sec)

Inbound Bandwidth (bytes/sec)


The maximum allowed incoming throughput from a single IP address, regardless of the number of connections established. The real bandwidth may end up being slightly higher than this setting for efficiency reasons. Bandwidth is allocated in 1KB units. Set to 0 to disable throttling. Per-client bandwidth limits (bytes/sec) can be set at the server or virtual host level where virtual host level settings override server level settings.


Integer number


Trusted IPs or sub-networks are not affected.

See Also

Outbound Bandwidth (bytes/sec)